Ride the Ducks Trial Named No. 2 Most Impressive Plaintiff Verdict of 2019

Courtroom View Network covers trials all over the country, often with gavel-to-gavel video coverage, for use in media broadcasts. Their people see the full trial, argument and preparation—way more than what the jury sees or can say in its verdict. CVN ranked the Ride the Ducks trial as the second most impressive plaintiff verdict of 2019, and the first jury verdict in its Top 10 list.

CVN explains, the “Seattle jury sided with 44 victims and their families - an outcome that helped spur the resolution of numerous related cases.” More:

From the expert witness testimony related to the products liability claims in the case, to the logistics - both legal and emotional - of conveying to jurors the varied range of individual injuries and losses suffered by 44 separate plaintiffs, this high-stakes juggling act of a jury trial was a truly gargantuan undertaking and earned the #2 spot on our list.

This is a great recognition not just of the trial itself, but the “gargantuan undertaking” of the entire trial team in an incredibly “high stakes” (and high stress) months-long battle.